We speak to Rachel Hocking from Brisbane, Australia about the latest Worship Book, a collection of "Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs" crafted by members of the Christadelphian community. We discuss the blend of traditional and contemporary styles, the distinctive doctrines highlighted in song, and how this project is an exciting window into the global Christadelphian church.
For the next of our Bible book introductions we take a look at the smallest of Paul's letters, his letter to Philemon. Why should a personal letter about fixing a very personal relationship be included in the scriptures?  We find that it is, in fact, an incredibly revealing case study into how being a Christian should change the way we view society and people around us.
To kick off a new series on Biblical themes, we look at 8 different ideas about the Kingdom of God.  We find that both Jesus' statements about it and the expectations of his audience were deeply rooted in the Old Testament, Hebrew scriptures.  This brings to life a tangible picture of what is involved but also something far greater and more universal than even the Jews expected!
We begin a new series in which we explore the deep questions around the relationship between God and Jesus, the Son of God. In this episode Josh Dean and Paul Davenport look at how Unitarians and Trinitarians both look at the same scriptural ‘raw materials’ but come to different conclusions. Why is that? How should we evaluate whether one view is more appropriate than the other? Are they both truly Christian perspectives?