Paul and Dan talk with Dale Tuggy and Mark Cain to find out about all the work they do with the Unitarian Christian Alliance (UCA) including their upcoming first conference outside the US to be held in Windsor, London 25 July 2024. They also discuss how increasing numbers of people are coming to understand the Biblical God, rather than one of the many 'trinity theories'.  Learn more about how you can help the growing network of people coming to a Biblical understanding of God and his son Jesus!
We speak to Rachel Hocking from Brisbane, Australia about the latest Worship Book, a collection of "Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs" crafted by members of the Christadelphian community. We discuss the blend of traditional and contemporary styles, the distinctive doctrines highlighted in song, and how this project is an exciting window into the global Christadelphian church.
Paul and Dan talk about "intertextuality" - basically, how the meaning of a text is influenced by references to other texts. The Bible (not surprisingly) is full of links between its 66 books. But how far can we take this? Can we go too far and see patterns where there are none (like seeing the face of Jesus in a slice of toast)?!
In past centuries, going to church was a deeply embedded part of how western society worked.  But today, with so much emphasis on personal faith and opportunity to do community activities outside church, is there any point in being part of a religious group and meeting with people?  We discover three key reasons: Support, Diversity and Magnifying.
Exploring how churches were organised, we find ourselves discussing the significance of sharing the bread and cup of wine to remember Jesus. As in previous episodes, there are some similarities with churches today, but also some differences that are worth reflecting upon.
It’s been trending for some time now.  Christian deconstruction is a phenomenon that is hard not to notice.  But once the deconstruction bug has bitten, is it possible to build a resilient faith back up again?
With growing resources, from podcasts to videos and blogs, Bible Feed is a place for conversations about the Bible and faith in the modern world. But who are we? Paul and Dan, as members of a lay community called the Christadelphians, discuss what unique perspectives they think the Bible Feed podcast can bring to the wider Christian debate.