Episode 77: Worship!

Dan is joined for this episode by Rachel Hocking from Brisbane, Australia. Rachel has been instrumental in the creation of the latest Worship Book, a further collection of “Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” crafted by members of the Christadelphian community. Together, they discuss the origins, development, and significance of the Worship Book project, including its blend of traditional and contemporary styles and the global collaboration it fostered. Tune in for a look at the creative process behind this remarkable anthology and its role in expressing the faith and identity of Christadelphians worldwide.

Show Notes

Dan opens the episode by introducing Rachel Hocking from Brisbane, Australia who is a guest to talk about the Worship book. Rachel explains how she has directed and organised three books of original hymns and songs from the Christadelphian community, including the most recent blue Worship book!

With 147 songs and contributors from around the world (Australia, UK, USA, Nigeria), Rachel explains that the books has varied styles and genre of music, fulfilling a need to provide original music for personal and congregational use. She describes how the book is a creative outlet for many members in the Christadelphian community to teach and encourage and help grow faith through the medium of spiritual song.

Christadelphian Music

Dan and Rachel discuss some of the distinctive teachings of the Christadelphian community, such as believing in God’s kingdom on earth, and how that sometimes comes through the songs that are in the Worship books. They discuss the musical heritage through various hymn books that have been used across the global community over the last 100+ years.

Throughout the interview, Rachel gives several examples of excellent new songs contained in the new book. From the soaring lyrics of I will worship (Song 29) and the harmonic melody of Come to me (Song 125) to the prayer for Jesus’ return in Even So, Come (Song 137) and the vision of sipping a cup a wine with Jesus in When I see him (Song 133). Scripture set to music, personal prayers, congregational worship; all are included within the Worship book. The book expresses Colossians 3:16 perfectly: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

Further information

For more information and to order the Worship book (either a hard copy or a digital version) go to the website at theworshipbook.com.

The Worship book website contains:

  • A Spotify playlist of recordings of some of the songs for each of the three Worship books.
  • Audio tracks and recordings of many more of the songs which can assist in learning them.
  • Additional music that wasn’t included in the books.
  • More information about Christadelphian music in general, and links to other musical projects.


Song samples included within the podcast episode:

  • Song 6 – He’s been good by Phil Rosser (Recorded by Chasing Love on the album EP01)
  • Song 18 – Praise the Lord by James DiLiberto an Phil Rosser (Recorded by the The Seventh Day on the album Sunshine)
  • Song 29 – I will worship by Alex Wordsworth (Recorded on the Worship Book YouTube channel)
  • Song 44 – Home by Laura Tran (Recorded by Brisbane CYC on the album Stand Firm)
  • Song 45 – Hope by Patrick Tappouras (Recorded by Damascus Road on the album Hope)
  • Song 123 – Peace! It is I by Amy Parkin (Recorded by the Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation)
  • Song 133 – When I see him by Tony Stewart (Recorded by Tony Stewart on the album Encounters)

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