How can Jesus uniquely be called the Son of God?  Does calling him the Son of God make him Deity in any sense?  What is Jesus claiming when he says he is the Son of God? All these questions and more are considered in this episode.
Leviticus may not be the most appealing read, after all, what does how long you remain unclean if you touch a dead body, have to do with a Christian today?  But by scratching the surface we find that the careful structure of this book points to something, or rather someone, who is so much greater than the law.
How should we read the Old Testament in the light of Jesus?  Do we even need to pay it any attention now that Jesus has come?  We consider what it means for Jesus to fulfil the Old Testament and find that, when Jesus reads and applies the different parts of the Hebrew Bible, he shows us how to bring it to life in our lives as Christians today.
What does it mean for something to be the inspired word of God?  Is it possible to explain how that happens, and if we can't, what certainty can we have about divine authority behind the text of the Bible? Considering these questions leads us to realise how important it is to treat the text with respect and be responsible and humble in how we draw out our interpretations of God's word.
The book of Exodus starts with a great story about how the Israelites escaped from Egypt. There's high action, drama, goodies and baddies… and then intricate detail about how to construct a large tent. Why is that included and how does it fit into the overall narrative?
A new series to turbocharge your Bible reading!  We're starting a series of introductions to books of the Bible to give you a head start on how they are structured and what the main themes are to look out for.  We start right at the beginning, with the book of Genesis.
In past centuries, going to church was a deeply embedded part of how western society worked.  But today, with so much emphasis on personal faith and opportunity to do community activities outside church, is there any point in being part of a religious group and meeting with people?  We discover three key reasons: Support, Diversity and Magnifying.
To kick off a new series on Biblical themes, we look at 8 different ideas about the Kingdom of God.  We find that both Jesus' statements about it and the expectations of his audience were deeply rooted in the Old Testament, Hebrew scriptures.  This brings to life a tangible picture of what is involved but also something far greater and more universal than even the Jews expected!
We chat to author, Martha Sales, about her zany novel, The Enormous Tiny Experiment, and how a perfect world free from suffering is all but impossible. The conversation ranges from the New Atheists and questions about suffering to plate tectonics, go-karts and the universal existence of morality.
Exploring how churches were organised, we find ourselves discussing the significance of sharing the bread and cup of wine to remember Jesus. As in previous episodes, there are some similarities with churches today, but also some differences that are worth reflecting upon.