Produced by the Tidings magazine, this website contains several interactive online booklets about important Bible topics.
Picture the scene; a swiftly approaching foreign army that threatens to destroy everything in its path. You’re in an overcrowded city that provides little protection and shelter. What do you do?
Paul talks to Dan Parsons about another important word in the New Testament - the concept of 'grace'. The conversation focuses on Ephesians chapter 2 and shows how a religion based on rules and laws is bound to fail, but grace is much more powerful. Listen in to find out why!
Is faith a simplistic, blind belief in something? Is it a gift that some people have and so are able to trust in something without question or doubt? Or does it require evidence which is open to doubt, questions, even confusion? Josh Dean and Paul Davenport discuss some Biblical examples of faith and find that it really is not so simple after all.
What does faith look like in the real world? In this conversation Dan Weatherall talks to Mick and Karen McNeil about faith in action in their daily lives, how it shapes the way they deal with life’s experiences, whether at work or home or in the context of global events such as Coronavirus.
The writer to the Hebrews explains that Jesus died to “destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil” (Hebrews 2:14). What does that mean? The devil is in the detail if you look carefully.
How does faith interface with prophecy? Does prophecy create faith, or is there a whole lot more to it than that? Dan Weatherall and Paul Davenport dive into the Biblical world of the prophets to discuss this and many other questions.
When Jesus was “led up by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Matthew 4:1) to be tempted, he had just been baptised, received the Spirit of God, and had heard an astonishing proclamation by God from heaven.
We can’t perceive God directly, but we may be able to find reasons to believe that he is out there. Just as with many other things that we can’t see or hear, yet are convinced of their reality. So how about spending a bit of time looking for evidence that God exists?
Have you found yourself searching for God, or looking for reasons to believe that he exists? Debating the existence and nature of God or anything supernatural has been a hallmark of human society for millennia. It seems to be embedded into our DNA to question and wonder about the divine.